Találatok: 11446

Concil of local community



The last election for local community was ont he 17th August 2008. The mandate is four years. On election candidate 46 people. There were two big goups ( group citizens – Democratic Community of Vojvodina Hungarians – VMDK and „for nicer Telečka” – Union of Vojvodina Hungarians ) and a few independant. The concil has 11 members and ont he last election VMDK got 10 members and „for nicer Telečka” got 1 member.




Keszég Kornél – a presidente of LC –group citizens-VMDK
Németh István - a subpresident of LC - group citizens -VMDK
Mandity Rózsa – a member - group citizens -VMDK 
Makó József – a member - group citizens -VMDK 
Tamási Gabriella – a member - group citizens -VMDK 
Tóth Noémi - a member - group citizens -VMDK 
Szabó Attila – a member - group citizens -VMDK 
Kőműves Attila – a member - group citizens -VMDK 
Kormányos István – a member - group citizens -VMDK 
dipl.ing. Jankovich Szilárd – a member – group citizens -„for nicer Telečka” – VMSZ
Elvegyi Ákos – a member - group citizens -VMDK 


Kormányos István – president
Kőműves Attila – a subpresident
Tápai József – a member of group of citizens
Kormányos Mária – a member of group of citizens 
Csizmár Norbert – a member of group of citizens

VILLAGE – Local community Bácsgyulafalva is on the east of the Sombor, which is far away from Sombor 25km on three sides of border of Sombor, community Backa Topola and community Kula. Geographic co-ordinates N 45°47΄44΄΄ northern longitude and E 19°22΄49΄΄ eastern latitude. The altitude is 115 m. The villageis on teh west of Telecka plateau. Neighbouring villages are: Kljajicevo, Conoplja, Stara Moravica, Gornja Rogatica and Sivac. Local community Bácsgyulafalva is organized on the territory of settled place Telecka and Jagnjevo farms – 6 km far away from the village. The village is founded in 1883 as Gyulafalva( Village of ......), later Bácsgyulafalva, but in 1922 it was called Telecka. Our ancestores were founded Telecka from 13 Banat΄s villages, but the biggest number of colonists is from settled place near Kikinda. In 2008 we celebrated 125 anniversary of village and 110 years from building the Roman-Catolic Church in Bácsgyulafalva. In the village there are: the local community which accomplishes communal works, net of the waterworks. In the same building is the local office. Also, there are the post-officee, the library with about 7000 books, specially in hungarian language and the ambulance. There is primary school ΄Kis Ferenc΄ with 103 pupils in hungarian language (from 1st to 8th classes) 24 pupils in serbian language (from 1st to 4th classes) and the kindergarten with 23 children.

POPULATION – On the last census in 2002 Bácsgyulafalva had 2.084 inhabitants (78% Hungarians). Until 1995 in the village were living about 99% Hungarians, without Jagnjevo farms. Jagnjevo kadastral belongs to Bácsgyulafalva, but Jagnjevo is far away from Kljajicevo about 2 km. Today Bácsgyulafalva has less than 2000 inhabitants. In 1930, the number of inhabitans was more 3500 people. The problem of Bácsgyulafalva is the same as in the other local communities, young people go to the bigger towns becuse they don΄t have a job in Bácsgyulafalva. Only people who work in agriculture stay in the village.

CIVIL CORPORATIONS – Our village has different civil corporations. The theatre with 500 seats was built in Bácsgyulafalva, 30 years ago. Today, the theatre is one of the most beautiful and the most furnished in our neighbourhood. KUD ΄Petőfi Sándor΄ is the group of amateurish actors who present manyinteresting plays. There are many different guests during the traditional cultural week ΄Ötösfogat΄. CC ΄Petőfi Sándor΄ is the biggest, which has dramatic corporation and handiwork. Its main duty is a care of hungarian language and habits. Also, we have The Hunting Company ΄Hare΄, The Volontary Fire Brigade, The Women΄s Corporation, The Corporation of the young people, The Corporation of Pensioners and The Fundation ΄Source΄ which has the main duty to collect charity from abroad. For revival of The Roman Catholic Church. The Corporation for protection of Nature was founded in 2009.

ECONOMY – THE MUSEUM OF TOBACCO – The main occupacion of inhibitants is farming, but few employed people travel to other towens because they work there. Bácsgyulafalva is famous for growing of Tobacco. Our ancestors brought this tradition from Banat. Growing of red pepper is the second agriculture which has a tradition in the village, but today, the biggest part of fields is maize. A villager Kovac Istvan opened the Museum of Tobacco in his house, a few years ago. Istvan collects special tools for growing and working of tobacco. The museum was moved away to special renowated house and The Museum of Handiscraft in 2009.

CO – OPERATION WITH HEADQUARTERS IN HUNGARY – The Local Community has the signed declaration about brotherhood with autonomy Magyarszombatfa from the western hungarian district ΄Vas΄ (yours). We have brotherhood with autonomy Csátalja, near the Serbian border and Breg, too. CC ΄Petőfi Sándor΄ has brotherhood with Corporation ΄Tápai Hagyományőrző Egyesület΄ from Tápé, near Szeged.

VILLAGE CELEBRATION – The Roman Chatolic Parish Church in Bácsgyulafalva was a celebration in the second week in October, the glory ΄Magyarok Nagyasszonya΄ then the village is double bigger. People who lived in Bácsgyulafalva in the past, visit their native village. They spend a few hours or a few days together and they have a good time. They visit friends an cousins. Bácsgyulafalva is famouse for this family celebration. The second glory is ΄Days of Village΄ which is different and special. This manifestation which is organized at the end of August, has many programmees of culture places visit this celebration. They cook a fish stew in more than 20 kettles and about 500 people eat this speciallity. This happening is in the centre, on the square in front of The Local Community Building. After that is the ball on the street.

VILLAGE NEWSPAPPER - ΄Gyulafalvi Napló΄ - Diary of Village – is a monthly magazine, which mass 33 editions. This village newspapper is unique in Sombor and in the Western-Backa district. Local community was founded this newspapper for better information, in 2004. It edits in Hungarian language and it has 8 pages A5 form. A main editor, from the beggining is Keszég Kornél, who is a president of Concil Local Community.

We are looking forward to your soon visit.

Bácsgyulafalvi Televízió

Bácsgyulafalvi TelevízióBácsgyulafalvi Televízió

Bácsgyulafalvi TelevízióBácsgyulafalvi Televízió

Bácsgyulafalvi TelevízióBácsgyulafalvi Televízió